
  • 2023 Provisional National Estimates

    From assessments entered into Insight so far, we’re able to offer some provisional national estimates for 2022/23 based on decent sample sizes. The Early Years Good Level of Development (EY GLD), Phonics Screening Check Y1 and Key Stage 1 data is all based on approximately 75,000 pupils. The Multiplication Tables Check (MTC) is based on…

  • White Rose Maths Standardised Assessments (and other subjects too!)

    Do you follow the White Rose Maths curriculum in your school? If so, you can now get access to termly White Rose Maths standardised assessments via our friends at Smartgrade. As well as being the official partner for standardising White Rose Maths assessments, Smartgrade also offers high quality assessments from other partners including HeadStart Primary…

  • Provision Mapping training sessions

    NOW FINISHED We’re hosting Provision Mapping webinars for anyone who’d like some hands-on training on this new functionality (these will cover Learning Plans as well). Book onto a session here. There’ll be a live Q&A throughout and a chance to ask questions at the end. We’ll be publishing a recording of one of the sessions…

  • Provision Mapping now available

    We’re delighted to announce that our new Provision Mapping and Learning Plan tools are now available for everyone. The Provision Mapping tools can be accessed via the new Provisions button on the menu bar. You can create and view learning plans in the new Learning Plans tab within the Pupils section. As ever, our support…

  • Change to MIS Sync provider

    We’re in the process of moving to our new MIS sync partner, Wonde. If you’re currently using Assembly, you’ll need to switch to Wonde instead. This should be a straightforward process, and there should be no break in service – your data will continue to sync through Assembly until you move to Wonde.

  • One-day course: A complete guide to primary assessment and accountability

    Dates: 10th, 17th, 22nd NovLocations: Cheltenham, Portishead, SolihullHost: James Pembroke (Sig+) Covering everything you need to know about statutory assessment, accountability measures, standardised tests, and tracking pupils’ progress.

  • RWM SAT Scaled Scores on Overviews – Attainment

    We’ve updated the Overviews – Attainment report to show a nominal scaled score for Writing when the options “SAT Scaled Score” and “Writing” specifically are selected. This brings the report back in line with other reports (eg Tables and Headlines) which work the same way. This means you can easily show bar charts and Venn…

  • Practice SATs in 2022-23 with Smartgrade

    KS2 practice SATs can provide valuable information on gaps in pupils’ understanding. But getting a clear view of problem areas may involve a lot of Excel data wrangling. Plus, you can’t tell how your pupils will compare to the national cohort. Insight has partnered with Smartgrade to help you get the most out of KS2…

  • Carousel Learning seeking Early Adopters

    Our friends at Carousel Learning are launching a version of their retrieval practice and quizzing tool that is tailored to the needs of primaries. They’re looking for early adopter primaries to help them shape the product and test drive their question banks. Please email [email protected] for more information.

  • Assembly maintenance

    07/12/2021 Update: Assembly is back online and the automatic sync has been switched back on. Please contact support if you encounter any issues with your data.