Databusting Bristol with James Pembroke and Richard Selfridge

A day aimed at primary school senior leaders and assessment leads to help navigate the fog of assessment and rationalise your data life.

Date and time

Fri, 19 November 2021
08:45 – 15:30 GMT


Bridge Learning Campus, Teyfant Road
BS13 0RF

About this event

Assessment in schools is often directed from the top down with a heavy focus on accountability, but how about we turn that on its head? With Ofsted’s recent change in direction, schools have license to do just that: build an approach from the classroom upwards, that works for both teachers and pupils and restores faith in assessment.

The day will:

  • Review and update your approach to assessment, making data work effectively in the light of the revised Education Inspection Framework
  • Clarify what you need to know about data, what you have to do (and what you do not need to do), and what you should do to assess and monitor progress and attainment whilst minimising workload and maximising impact in your school
  • Cover key aspects of primary data including: statutory assessment present and future, progress measures, confidence intervals, target setting, standardised tests, IDSR, ASP, and tracking systems.

Ticket includes refreshments and lunch.